Wall Safe for Your Home (Guide to Choose Wall Safe)

Even if a house or apartment is equipped with the strongest entrance door and safe locks, you should not keep documents, securities, or money in a visible place - there are...

A Guide to Understanding the Crucial Aspects of Big Data and Hadoop

In this technological era, one thing that connects us all irrespective of geographical barriers is the internet. This creates a large user base and hence generates a lot of data to...

What Are The 5 Best Home Security Systems For Every Budget?

The importance of having security systems in your home has been duly emphasized over the years. Home security systems are very important for use in every home. Home security systems are...

5 Key Reasons You Need to Migrate from HTTP to HTTPS

Whenever you visit a website, you’ll notice a little lock icon appear next to the address you typed into your browser. This icon indicates that the website uses a secure protocol,...
email security

5 Best Email Security Practices You should know

With the increase in usage of the Internet in communication, various apps, and platforms emerged to enable online connections among business practitioners and also among the public. Although several budding social...
Top Home Security Systems of 2020

Top Home Security Systems of 2024

The primary goal or aim of a home security system is to detect potential or would-be intruders and deter them before they can break into your home and cause damage. Home...

7 Best Places to Put Security Cameras at Home

When you're a homeowner, you'll need to be strategic with where you place certain things. Whether it's for practical reasons or aesthetic purposes, where you chose to set a certain item...

8 Must Have Digital Privacy Tools

If security and privacy are your topmost priority this year, we’ve got your back. Here, we will have a look at the best privacy tools which you must be using in...
Tips to Remove Browser Hijacker from Your Mac

Tips to Remove Browser Hijacker from Your Mac

To remove the virus from your Mac, you can do a couple of things. If you’re curious to know about how to get rid of a browser hijacker? Then don’t worry....

How important is risk management in cyber security?

Cyber risk management is an undeniable need of the hour in today's business environment with rapidly changing technology. Regardless of the size of the enterprise, all organizations need to understand the...
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